moon lists

photo by Cydney Holm

photo by Cydney Holm

“A workbook filled with questions, list-making ideas, and prompts for taking inventory of the self; One step in a direction of exploring parts of the mind + present tense that are new, unknown, and full of possibility.  An exercise for breaking through creative, emotional, and transitional roadblocks. Inspired aesthetically by 1960s/70s instruction and DIY manuals, it distills the Moon Lists questions into 18 months of original prompts.”

Moon Lists by Leigh Patterson

I’ve been following Leigh and admiring her work for some time now. I pre-ordered her book the moment I learned it was to be published. Upon receipt of this beauty, I flipped through and glanced ahead, and ultimately decided to wait for a new moon to begin. I’m currently three weeks in and immensely enjoying this new ritual. It feels wonderful to make time to put a pencil to the beautifully designed paper in this book.

The Moon Lists=
1. An online collection of interviews; every full moon we ask different women to reflect on their last 30 days.
2. An analog workbook; prompts, lists, and unexpected questions for digging deeper.
3. A visual exercise in recognizing the themes that are hidden in plain sight.
4. Inspired by a life of questioning; a dedication to what’s below the surface.
5. One step in a direction of exploring parts of the mind + present tense that are new, unknown, and full of possibility.


arq base layers


hello, again